
I'm Kendra, owner of A Homeplace, a boutique interior design studio based in metro Atlanta. I love designing sanctuary-level homes that dramatically improve my clients' quality of life. From a young age, I've had an intuitive understanding of the mind-body-environment connection. I've lived in several states - from New England to the Deep South to the West Coast - as well as abroad in Italy, Israel, and Singapore. On top of this, ten years in grassroots community organizing took me into an amazing range of homes, from urban apartments to suburban McMansions to rural homesteads. 

The degree of well-being felt in these varied settings was never simply a result of square footage, but rather a function of how space was used, the amount of natural light, and the artful arrangement of furniture and everyday objects. Of course, personal quirks and preferences also play a role in the kinds of environments we thrive in. I'll confess that the 18 year old me chose to go to Harvard instead of Yale largely because of a visceral pull towards the former's warm red brick architecture over the latter's campus of cold gray stone. (I was visiting in December, go figure.) 

Living in many different places not only built my keen spatial awareness, it also gave me a deep appreciation for how cultural values and attitudes are embedded in our private domains. When I get to know prospective clients, I'm eager to learn about their vision of the good life and about the importance they place on things like purpose, health, family, community building, career, hobbies, creativity, and spirituality. This kind of meaningful conversation then informs decisions about floor plans, colors, materials and furnishings. 

My husband and I are currently in the process of designing and building a custom home for ourselves, our two children and my mother. The firsthand experience of going from vision to reality is complex yet rewarding and has further equipped me to support clients ready to invest in a transformative renovation or new build. If that might be you, please reach out to schedule a free discovery call!

To your flourishing,

Lets talk about your project!